When energy costs begin to rise, even a 10 percent increase can destroy a commercial property owner’s profits. Aging mechanical HVAC systems do not have the capacity to manage indoor air quality, comfort, and energy conservation simultaneously. As temperatures and infiltration loads vary throughout the day, systems can become overtaxed and ultimately incapable of keeping up standards for proper ventilation as required by OHSA’s guidelines.
The Satterlee team can be relied upon for a holistic approach to optimize any heating system’s efficiency. Our expert team can assess the need to design heaters, split level heat pumps, or a pressurization control system (PCS) to accommodate the infiltration and exhaust demands of commercial property while taking into account the large load variation during any given day. Whether the job is in a manufacturing facility or office complex, a proper building pressurization control system (BPCS) can be scaled to automatically meet these varying demands.
We can recommend available manufacturer rebates, utility company rebates, and potential tax credits to maximize ongoing operating expenditures.